Feedback to Empower Every Child

Practical, adaptable strategies to help kids and teens understand their testing results

Recorded Saturday, February 25th, 2023

Dr. Liz Angoff

Licensed Educational Psychologist, Diplomate in School Neuropsychology

Dr. Stephanie Nelson

Board Certified Pediatric and Clinical Neuropsychologist

Dr. Alison Wilkinson-Smith

Board Certified Pediatric and Clinical Neuropsychologist, Certified in Therapeutic Assessment of Children

Learn practical, adaptable tools for empowering kids with knowledge about how they learn, relate to others, and process the world. 

You’ll leave with the skills to integrate feedback strategies throughout the assessment process, write personalized fables, and create engaging, personalized visuals for the child themselves (just like the ones below!)    

Part 1: But I Don't Have Time for Feedback!

With Dr. Liz Angoff

Finding time to sit down with a child to explain testing results is challenging.  In this workshop, Dr. Liz will share simple & effective strategies for integrating feedback into your testing sessions, so that children discover something new about their brain at every step!

Your young clients will leave feeling empowered with new knowledge and specific strategies to share with their parents and teachers about how their brain works best – and parents will go home with the language to keep the conversation going over time.

Part 2: Personalized Visuals for Children

With Dr. Stephanie Nelson

We see so many one-of-a-kind children and teens — star-shaped students in a world full of circles and squares. How do we find the right words to share their unique strengths and stories? Especially when we have limited time, or aren’t sure what to say. In this part of the workshop, we’ll learn how to quickly construct individualized letters and visuals that help kids and teens understand themselves. We’ll develop easy frameworks for crafting compassionate stories that are creative, concise, and compelling. Come get inspired by lots of ideas, examples, and templates.

Part 3: Creating Feedback Fables

With Dr. Alison Wilkinson-Smith

Stories and metaphors are powerful tools for making complicated information easy to understand.  This is especially true for children!  In this part of the workshop, you will learn the benefits of crafting personalized fables for children to help them understand what you have learned about them.  You will see multiple examples of fables for different kinds of testing profiles.  You will leave with practical tips and inspiration to use your creativity to benefit the families you work with.