AI Prompt & Video Library for Report Writing

Click below to view the evolving library of prompts and videos for writing clear, concise, & affirming reports.

1. What is AI and how can it help?

Workshop: AI for Testing Psychologists

Friday, March 7, 2025

Join us live on zoom for a deep dive into using AI in your assessment practice!

AI Basics for Psychologists

An introductory article to understand AI and how to use it for your practice.

AI for Report Writing – Pt 1

How to use AI to make record reviews efficient and accessible to parents.

AI for Report Writing – Pt 2

How to use AI to summarize collateral interviews.

2. AI Prompt Library

AI Prompt Library

The complete library of AI prompts for testing psychologists.

Practical AI Handout

Practical Prompts & Visuals to help you advocate for the use of AI in your district.

AI Informed Consent Language

Suggested verbiage to include in your informed consent for clients regarding the use of AI.

3. AI Video Library

#1 Impactful Report Summaries

Learn how to use AI to create a clear, concise, impactful report summary for families in a few clicks.

#2 Auto Meeting Notes for Families

Easily create actionable notes from your feedback session so families can take home a summary of your conversation.

#3 Explaining a Diagnosis to Kids

Have AI interview you about your client and create a personalized definition of their daignosis just for them.

#4 Record Review

Use AI to help you easily create summaries of prior records – in a way that makes them easy for parents to understand.

Prompts are designed for Bastion and NoteZap, two HIPAA-compliant AI platforms.

  • BastionGPT has gifted our community 30 days to try out their tools. If they’re helpful, a small percentage of your subscription will go to support the Brain Building Book Donation program. Visit to get your free month’s trial. Learn more about Bastion at
  • NoteZap has also offered us a discount. Let them know I referred you for 20% off. (